Basement Waterproofing

~The problem~
Basement flooding or unpredictable water seepage leaves your basement living space useless?
Basements can flood for many different reasons.  Some of them include a heavy rain, fast snow melt, or even a public sewage issue. In any circumstance when your basement floods it can leave everything in the basement ruined.  Many homeowners have even just given up on their basement storing their possessions on boxes or some kind of stilts to help mitigate damages when their basement floods.

~The solution~
Basement Waterproofing
You have heard that term before, but what does it mean?  There are many different strategies and solutions that can be used to keep your basement from flooding or "leaking water.  Below is an image that displays some of the most common issues that lead to a flooded basement. Followed by the solutions to protect yourself.
Potential Basement Flooding Issues
Basement waterproofing chicagoland
Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Foundation Crack Repair

If your home has a basement, there is a good chance that you have a crack in the foundation, and water will eventually leak through. Even if an existing crack has not yet leaked, over time, the likelihood that water will permeate the crack increases thanks to the combined effect of movement, drying, shrinkage, and other stresses. Although a crack might seem minor or small, it can grow much larger and cause water to leak inside.

Exterior Drain Tile 

Rain gutters and downspouts are not enough to keep water away. When it rains, water runs off the roof into your gutters if it is not carried far enough away from the house, it will run down the foundation wall and seep into your basement or crawlspace. The way to eliminate this problem is to extend the down spouts away from the house. Area Wide Waterproofing can help you find a solution that works!

Interior Drain Tile

Crawl spaces under homes are typically not done in concrete leaving a dirt, gravel, sand or stone floor.  These type of floors leave the space open to collect and retain moisture.  This enclosed moisture can lead to corrosion or mold.  Basement encapsulation not only waterproofs the space under your home it can give you a clean suitable space for storage.

Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl spaces under homes are typically not done in concrete leaving a dirt, gravel, sand or stone floor. These type of floors leave the space open to collect and retain moisture. This enclosed moisture can lead to corrosion or mold. Basement encapsulation not only waterproofs the space under your home it can give you a clean suitable space for storage.
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